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Health risk and benefit assessment of indoor and outdoor air pollution

According to the basic investigation of time-activity, people in investigated area spend more than 80% in different indoor environments. This result highlight the importance of potential health effects by exposing to indoor air pollution. Our data shows that general domestic and school environment with higher microbial, formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds, PM10 than outdoor environments. Ambient CO and SO2 tend to associate with increasing hospital admission rate of cardiovascular diseases in the area with higher ambient air pollution. Risk estimation of indoor formaldehyde exposure shows that general population in both investigated regions with life time cancer probability higher than 1×10-6. This result shows that identifying the sources form general domestic environments of formaldehyde and perform mitigation actions are necessary. Our results also shows that when ambient CO levels decreasing 10 to 20% might contribute to reduce large numbers of cost from hospital admission by cardiovascular diseases. Estimated total levels of air pollutants, integrated with levels of indoor and outdoor pollutants, and time-activity pattern, are associated with increasing hospital admission in cardiovascular and chronic respiratory diseases. However, the cost-benefit assessment in controlling indoor air pollution could not been examined because of lacking previous experience in improving indoor air quality in our country. Further research is needed to clarify the effects of indoor air quality in health benefit.
outdoor air pollution,indoor air quality,risk,health benefit